Hyperbaric Treatment applications in neurology

April 16, 2020


2m 38s


Hyperbaric Oxygenation Treatment (HBOT) consists of sessions in the hyperbaric chamber. The duration of a session varies between 60 and 90 minutes. The number of sessions and their duration is indicated according to the clinical picture of the patient.

Several studies show the benefits of the use of HBOT in several clinical conditions typical of neurology. In particular, the use of the hyperbaric chamber stimulates axonal regeneration at the central and peripheral levels, decreases cerebral edema, decreases the severity of cerebral infarction and maintains the integrity of the blood-brain barrier.

HBOT also attenuates motor deficits, decreases the risks of sequelae and produces changes on cerebral perfusion, helping to avoid cerebral circulatory disorders, improves motor function and fine motor control, achieving a reduction in spasticity in patients with CP, especially in children. Based on the mechanism of action and the systemic and specific physiological effects at the level of the nervous system, it can be deduced the wide variety of clinical applications of HBOT that are based on both scientific and clinical evidence.

Specific applications of neurology

  • ACV: especially ischemic. Reduces the area of ​​injury reducing the sequelae.
  • ACV Rehabilitation: the incorporation of HBOT to the recovery and rehabilitation protocols of patients accelerates rehabilitation times mean while the patient recovers or acquires skills and abilities.
  • Brain injuries: anti-inflammatory effects, reduction of edema, greater perfusion and stimulation of tissue repair processes.
  • Cerebral palsy: the decrease in spasticity is usually the first sign that is evident in these patients.
  • Multiple Sclerosis: several studies show a decrease in symptoms when HBOT is incorporated into the treatment protocol.
  • Parkinson’s disease: patients experience a decrease in stiffness, recovering mobility. The decrease in tremor has also been observed in many patients.
  • Peripheral neuropathies: it is postulated that axonal regeneration together with other effects of HBOT are “responsible” for the benefits that the incorporation of hyperbaric oxygen produces in the treatment of these pathologies.
  • Tinnitus and vertiginous syndrome: these are the most widespread applications of the use of HBOT. The positive results depend to a great extent on the time elapsed between the appearance of the symptom and the beginning of the treatment, being optimal to begin the sessions within the first 3 months.

General applications of TOHB in Neurology

Antiinflammatory, disc herniation, inflammation of the sciatic, scarring and repair of surgical and non-surgical wounds, severe infections such as brain abscesses, systemic and / or metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases.

HBOT has proven to be very useful in the treatment of various clinical situations in Neurology and recovery and neurological rehabilitation. Basic and clinical investigations have shown that its application can be extended to a large number of pathologies, breaking the myth that HBOT is only useful for gas poisonings such as CO, gangrene and wound healing in patients with DBT.

In particular, for the specialty of Neurology its application is increasingly extended taking advantage of its general and systemic biological effects as the specific ones in the Central and Peripheral Nervous System. Its application is simple, non-invasive and has virtually no adverse effects.


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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy and promoting neurological recovery following nerve trauma. Juan Nazario,

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The dosage of hyperbaric oxygen in chronic brain injury. Paul G. Harch, M.D. The Second International Conference on Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and the Brain Injured Child.

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