New center in Junín

October 4, 2017




A new service center was inaugurated in Junín. The headquarters is located at Primera Junta 19, (6000) Junin, Prov. de Bs. As. and will offer the benefits of hyperbaric medicine to the community.

Hyperbaric chamber treatment is a non-invasive method that provides air and oxygen under pressure in a pressurized cabin at 1.45 ATM. The normal ambient atmospheric pressure is 1 ATM. This type of therapy works under Henry’s law, which says that gases are diluted in liquids when they are under pressure.

To have a clear idea of how a hyperbaric chamber works, it can be observed a bottle of aerated water. In the closed bottle and under pressure, there are no bubbles. In this condition, the water is 1.1 ATM. By Henry’s law that the gas is diluted in water under pressure. When you open the bottle, bubbles appear due to lack of pressure.

Hyperbaric oxygenation treatment is safe and has many benefits, as well as the increase of oxygen supply in the plasma allows control over infections and promotes the recovery of different pathologies.

To request more information at BioBarica Junín, call (236) 443-0038 / Whatsapp:+549236 4644607 or write an email to

